Scenes of Silenced Screams

Kristen Caven
Oct 26, 2022

A few snapshots from the Mills College takeover protests.

Protests for Mills began the day closure was unexpectedly announced in March, 2021. Photo: Sarah Endriss.
Stunned alumnae responded with calls for truth and transparency around the idea that the Mills Institute could replace a degree granting college. Alumnae won their lawsuit but the acquisition continued with support from the Attorney General and other politicians. Shortly after the closure announcement, the merger was revealed. Photo: Joyce Yee
Outside analysis uncovers so much false information, painting a picture of a cynical leadership that employed techniques of disaster capitalism. A body of research is available on many protest websites; see them all at Graphic: Dani Stone



Kristen Caven

Author of books, writer of plays, maker of scenes. Also likes shoes and jello. My books are at