What Thao sees that Taylor doesn’t

Kristen Caven
4 min readOct 27, 2022

He’s a colonizer’s darling; she heard cries for justice

Oakland lost one of our greatest treasures this year. Mills College leaders gave the school, its land, and all its assets away to the Amazon of colleges, Northeastern University. Sheng Thao was the only City Councilperson who took the time to grasp the implications of this unethical and downright shady corporate takeover, even calling for a congressional investigation. Loren Taylor was, as proven in today’s breaking news, an architect, of this land grab in his district. He has been planning to turn a college into…



Kristen Caven

Author of books, writer of plays, maker of scenes. Also likes shoes and jello. My books are at www.kristencaven.com